Blog Directory September 2016 | Payment Asia Reviews


Payment Asia is renowned online payment solution provider company in Hong Kong, China that provides robust e-payment systems for easy and secure online payment processing.

Payment Asia Enhancements that Work for Your Business

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Payment Asia Enhancements that Work for Your Busin...

PaymentAsia Reviews - E-Payment Management Company in Hong Kong: Advantages Of Partnering With Payment Asia

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

PaymentAsia Reviews - E-Payment Management Company in Hong Kong: Advantages Of Partnering With Payment Asia: Payment Asia is one of the leading payment gateways partnering with local and international businesses and helping them to expand their b...

The e-payment conference in 2017 that will be Seamless

Sunday, September 25, 2016

The biggest event on payment systems, cards and the future of payments are taking place in a conference with the apt title of Seamless. In 2016, this event hosted over 6000 attendees with more than 170 companies exhibiting services. In 2017 the event is divided into three segments that will be hosted in Singapore during April 19-20, 2017 Seamless payments New payment technologies...

The growth story of Payment Asia

Thursday, September 22, 2016

One of the fastest growing payment gateway companies is Payment Asia. A quick check of Payment Asia merchant vendor network gives a global picture. Stretching from North America's West Coast as far as Alaska and Greenland the Hong Kong-based payment gateway is now serving merchants in Brazil, Central Africa, Scandinavian Europe, Northern Russia, Turkey and of course South East...

Social media CRM better online payment gateway business

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

What do Xiaomi, Haier, Alibaba and Payment Asia have in common? First, they are all Chinese entrepreneurs. Second, they have branched out from their core competency. Xiaomi the smartphone maker led by Lei Jun is branched out to venture capital firm Shunwei Capital and together are tied up with other companies in the domain of wearables for health monitoring devices as well as...

Legacy rules do not hamper growth of payment systems in Asia

Monday, September 19, 2016

Asia is the key driver when businesses talk about market changing conditions. Western management styles are proving outdated in the sense that building core competency is considered outdated. Market changes being disruptive in nature competition is constantly evolving. Companies in Asia have taken a paradigm shift to thrive in this dynamic movement. The best example...

Online payment solutions for businesses

Monday, September 19, 2016


Hybridization of ecommerce and payment gateways for globalization

Friday, September 16, 2016

Merchants in Alaska have a common thread with merchants in Siberia and so too do merchants in the upper reaches of Australia. They all enjoy payment service provider Payment Asia.  These areas are not in the top tier of market volume transactions. Payment Asia is on a globalization drive taking them into uncharted territory. This is a smart move in their strategy. Going...

The future of online payment

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Here is a simple statistic of online payments. The subject matter is Paypal which needs no introduction. To sum up their history the online payment gateway was cofounded by Elon Musk, Peter Thiel. Luke Nosel and Max Levchin around 2000.Ebay purchased Paypal in 2002 for 1.5 billion dollars after Paypal had a successful IPO. eBay's success as an e-commerce giant is greatly attributed...

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